
Documents required for New Born Babies -Apply for Aadhar, Community Certificate, Include name in Smart Card (Ration)

Aadhar Card (5 months to 1 Year) Baby Documents Required:- Birth Certificate, Father/Mother Aadhar Card or Register in Balwadi, it is an Indian pre-school run for economically weaker sections of the society, either by government or NGOs. they will conduct yearly Aadhar enrollment camp. We may get there too. Where to Submit:- Aadhar Enrolment Centre (Corporation offices, Banks, Post Office etc...) Note:- Bring Baby to take photograph Ration Card:- (5 months to 1 Year) Baby Documents Required:- Family Ration Card, Baby's Aadhar Card, Father/Mothers Aadhar Card Where to Submit:- Eseva Centre(corresponding to our locality) Community Certificate:- (5 months to 1 Year) Baby Documents Required:- Baby's Aadhar Card, Birth Certificate, Ration Card, Community Certificate of Parents, Photo of Baby (passport size), ATM Card (Parents) Where to Submit:- Eseva Centre (corresponding to our locality)

Google Maps (Ratings / Reviews)

Google Maps Initial stage everyone used Google maps to know the place away from their home town. If we plan a holiday trip then using google map definitely help people easily plan trips about to know the nearby major cities and favorite places, Very helpful till now.  When I start using Google maps with the support of android applications. It suggest me to review the places and notify me about places near me (walk-able distance places). I am quite very interesting by viewing the nearby places through google maps. And it allows me to review the places include my favorite places with the feature of adding photos and ratings. Also our reviews helping peoples who wish to learn about our hometown or plan a trip to our native places. Also google maps light up to expand our social knowledge by helping others with sharing our true knowledge on our well known places and our opinions on regular/favorite places as reviews. Ratings Mostly around the world, the elections are used to to select rule

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Sapota 🍑 (Chiku) Review

Work from Home - Online Jobs

Some trusted websites that provides online jobs work from home, found some difficulties as a first time user 1) Request to sumbit your profiles A) Profile photo B) Work experiences include  company name C) Skills  D) About us / Description :- Need to give more attention, this only plays important role by showcasing us to our employee E) Request to set our salary range (based on hourly) Once you update all the above details, will send you a notification email in next 24 hr that your profile is either accepted / rejected without knowing you the reasons. 2) Request you to set your account A) Skills B) Experience C) Certificate that validate your skills/ experience (mandatory) 3) hive work Request you to set your account A) email/phone number B) account created with less details Available jobs in their website * Categorisation images/pictures * Bounding Boxes * Yes/No questions 1.Simple trainings / test given before starting each jobs 2.Jobs always i