Work from Home - Online Jobs

Some trusted websites that provides online jobs work from home, found some difficulties as a first time user


Request to sumbit your profiles
A) Profile photo
B) Work experiences include  company name
C) Skills 
D) About us / Description :- Need to give more attention, this only plays important role by showcasing us to our employee
E) Request to set our salary range (based on hourly)

Once you update all the above details, will send you a notification email in next 24 hr that your profile is either accepted / rejected without knowing you the reasons.


Request you to set your account
A) Skills
B) Experience
C) Certificate that validate your skills/ experience (mandatory)

3) hive work

Request you to set your account
A) email/phone number
B) account created with less details

Available jobs in their website
* Categorisation images/pictures
* Bounding Boxes
* Yes/No questions

1.Simple trainings / test given before starting each jobs
2.Jobs always in que/ no need to wait
3.Good listening must
4.Need more patience
5.Paid cents for beginners
6.Paypal account needed
7.Easy to use


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